Getting married: Your ceremony must-haves and fun options

Planning your micro wedding ceremony and unsure what it consists of? You’re not alone! Chances are, even if you’ve been to a number of weddings, you won’t know the ins and outs of what a ceremony includes.

Fear not, this short blog will let you know what you NEED in your ceremony from a legal perspective, and what else you can add.

The legal stuff

Don't worry, the legal stuff is simple and your celebrant Aleks will have it covered! Here's what you actually need:

Short and sweet legalese: There are required words about marriage said by the celebrant and legal vows for the couple to exchange (I, [Full Name] take you [Full Name] to be my lawful wedded [husband/wife/.spouse/partner]).

Paperwork party: Sign three marriage certificates with witnesses after the ceremony. Oh, and there’s a couple more forms to be signed before the ceremony - your celebrant will guide you through these!

Other ceremony inclusions

The rest is yours to personalise! Here's a popular structure for inspiration:

Welcome & music: Set the mood with a warm greeting from your celebrant and upbeat tunes curated by your DJ Eddy.

Acknowledgement of Country: The celebrant will acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which your ceremony is held.

Fast photo minute: Give guests a minute to take any photos and videos they like to get it out of their system so the rest of the ceremony is “unplugged”!

Your unique story: The celebrant shares how you met and fell in love, plus what quirks you love about each other and what you look forward to doing together!

Personal vows & rings: Exchange heartfelt promises and those special rings.

Sealed with a kiss: Celebrate your union with a big smooch, captured by your photographer, Meleah!

The grand finale: A fun ceremony exit song as you’re presented as newlyweds and walk out, married!

For more tips and to get to know your Little Love Gatherings celebrant better, check out Aleks Mac’s website.

If this sounds like your kinda wedding, get in touch about your micro wedding later this year via our Contact page.


Q&A with your DJ, Eddy Mac